
Easy Slime Add Ins for Kids

 Here are some easy slime add ins for kids!  These add-ins to slime make it even more fun – if that’s even possible! Every time I have tried to make slime it just never seems to turn out.  And dollar store slime is pretty cheap when you compare it to buying actual slime ingredients (glue alone is at least $1)! Slime never lasts at my house so I always assume it’s a one-time use thing.  It gets thrown on the floor and lots of dog hair and food get in…

Cloud Dough Sensory Play

Do you want an activity to keep your toddler busy for a long time?  This cloud dough sensory play activity kept my toddlers busy for over an hour! Cloud dough sensory play is so much fun and so easy!  My 2-year-olds were kept entertained and learning with this super simple sensory bin. I added trucks to this sensory bin because they love trucks, but add in things your toddler likes. My 2-year-old toddlers pretended the cloud dough was snow. They had to plow through the “snow” with their trucks and tractors. I…

Muffin Tin Dutch Babies

Muffin Tin Dutch Babies are an easy toddler snack that gets your kids involved in cooking! These muffin tin Dutch Babies are great for snacks, breakfasts or even in a lunch box.  Traditional Dutch Babies are usually baked in a large pan in the oven and seasoned with vanilla and cinnamon.  I wanted bite-sized Dutch Babies my toddlers could easily eat so I made these toddler-friendly healthier versions. You can make these quickly, and even get your toddler involved in if they want to help!  They took me 30 minutes total with my toddlers helping…