Ice Painting Activity for Toddlers

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Do you want an activity that will keep your toddler engaged while having fun!  This block ice painting activity for toddlers kept my twins busy while having fun for a long time.

You can probably even make this ice painting activity for toddlers with things you already have.  I love ideas that I already have the stuff to make them with!

This activity also kept my boys having fun for over 30 minutes.  They were busy painting, exploring the ice, and mixing the colors together.  This is such a great sensory experience that is so much fun!

Toddlers Activities

The blocks were perfect for this activity because they acted like little handles.

The ice gets too cold after a while of holding it with no handle, so a toddler-sized handle works so well.  Plus my boys love blocks, so it just looked like a fun toy to them!

They were easy to grip and matched the color of the ice.  So this was also great for learning colors as well!

Related: Cloud Dough Sensory Play

Toddler Art

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Materials Needed For The Ice Painting For Toddlers:

  • Ice cube tray, popsicle tray, or baby food freezer tray (that’s what I used)
  • Mega Blocks
  • Food Coloring
  • Water and a Freezer
  • Roll of Paper and Tape

Outdoor Ice Painting

How to Make The Ice Paint:

  • Fill the entire tray you are using 3/4 with water (or how many ever blocks you are using – I could only find 8 blocks quickly)
  • Add in 4-5 drops of food coloring and stir until mixed. 
  • Put in freezer until it’s slightly frozen (about an hour or two hours). 
  • Put blocks in the partially frozen water.  Put back in the freezer until completely frozen.
  • Let freeze.  Pop out of the molds when ready to paint!

Related: Bubble Wrap Sensory Play

Toddler Painting

I taped a big piece of paper like this to our outdoor kiddie table and let them explore the paint.

This “paint” is baby and toddler safe since I used water and food coloring and not actual paint.

I just used regular food coloring but you could use all-natural food coloring.

I loved that I had all the materials for this activity.  I’ve kept my baby food freezer trays and have used them for other things too, like these easy homemade toddler crayons.

If you didn’t want to use the mega blocks and baby food freezer tray for this, you could just use a popsicle tray.

My boys had so much fun experimenting and exploring the different colored ice cubes.  It did get a little messy so I would recommend doing this outside but it could definitely be done indoors.

I hope your child enjoys this ice painting activity as much as mine did!


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Toddler Summer

About The Author



  1. Sara | 24th Jul 19

    Wow! This is such a fun summer activity. I tried this with my toddlers and it was such a great way for them to paint outside. Thanks!

    • AMY | 24th Jul 19

      Great! I’m so glad they had fun with this activity!

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